Originally Posted by bradynapier
I have just begun to download this 751 MB game and try out the world's first MMORPG supported on Windows Mobile phones. I will update as-to how well it works and perhaps we can get a group together to play it if it is any fun!
Thought I would post requirements for this game:
Windows Mobile 2003, 2003 SE, 5.0, or 6.0 for Pocket PC based PDA or Smartphone
QVGA or VGA screen size
200 MHz processor
15 MB available program RAM
1GB+ high speed memory card (FAT32 recommended, 66X speed or above) WiFi or 2.5G/2.75G/3G wireless data connection
HOOOLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY COWWWW!! That looks awesome! I wonder how well it runs on the Mogul though, considering our lack of video drivers....
Damn Qualcom bastards.