Wow, great recommendation. I just downloaded the 1.1alpha1 and let me tell you... I spent a couple of minutes just trying to get the keyboard to screw up and NOT show me the person I was looking (with my sloppy, fat-fingered typing)... and... it didn't work!! The keyboard figured it every time!
Very impressive app, at least after having used it for 5-10 minutes. It's great to have a keyboard that can take my input at light speed and still give good results. I also love that all the most-used options are immediately available after selecting a contact (mobile, home, SMS, email), and the addition of sending a GPS link is pretty sweet as well.
This app has just replaced PocketCM as my default contacts app, so that's saying something.
I'll post back if I run into any issues after extended use, but I'm sold so far.
Update- By the way, it looks like the memory footprint is also much smaller than PocketCM... I'm only seeing it consistently use about 200-215KB, and that's with looking up contacts, sending SMS, etc.... and it's really quick to start up, even when fully shut down... and with a name like "finger-friendly friend", who wouldn't love it??!?
Hahaha, sorry.