Originally Posted by tiermann
All files go into \Windows. They are then copied elsewhere by initflashfiles.txt. That is how ROMs work.
The games (from the ppckitchen updater package) are not linked in Start->Programs->Games either? This is with 5060 from the updater or another kitchen?
Your initflash you posted looks ok, except usually no trailing \ after directory names.
I'd say you have something else going on there since this hasn't been reported yet. Maybe uninstall, zip what's left in C:\Program Files\PPCKitchen.org as backup, then delete the old dir and reinstall. Try a build without personal OEMs and then add one to narrow it down.
I just tried it again, after uninstalling everything and running without my custom OEM. Still same problem with the 5060 base. ICS Control shortcut in Programs doesn't work, Neither does the Games shortcuts in Programs, or the NueAudio which I included in the ROM? This is really baffling to me? I've included the log
Originally Posted by colonel
Out of curiosity, why are you running HTC Home from \HTCHome? There is a version in BuildOS that runs from Windows. Just wondering.
The reason is because I don't use the weather or Music Player files, so I created my own OEM that deleted all of the files that go with those options in HOME. It's easier for me if they all go in one folder so that I can monitor the install. I guess I could just place them in \Windows.