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Old 04-13-2008, 10:37 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19209 (Build 19209.1.0.2) aka 5060

Question with regards to Page Pool size? Should this be sticking as something that returns with my project.txt file or does this need to be selected each and everytime I reload a project before I cook a ROM? Seems to be the latter and I wanted to verify that was what it was supposed to be doing.

Thanks again for the great job and I'm still amazed at the level of support. Some folks definitely need to read more.

My only issues with Vista are as follows - As long as you run as administration or have UAC shut off entirely the only issue I've had is duruing updates. I've had to remove the Kitchen.rar files before doing updates as Vista can't overright them with default permissions even when run as Admin. You can start the downloads, but when it goes to write them into their correct location in the kitchen the updater fails and backs out.
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