Originally Posted by jimbob49
Hi everyone, I've just flashed my sprint ppc6700 with wm6.1 from wm5. This is my first time doing this. Everything seemed to work flawlessly in the Kitchen, etc. Seems like most everything works on the device, except the wireless stereo. I have the Moto S9 headset and it syncs but plays music choppy and quits. Phone part works ok. Also, while in the kitchen I selectd lots of things that sounded like I might want to try...for example battery meter...additional ringers, etc, etc. How do I access those new things? It looks like I have just a basic download at present? I'm sure there is something simple that I've missed. Any help will be most appreciated.
Extra ringtones should be available under the phone or sounds settings where you select the sound you want as your ringtone. Any programs should be listed under Programs. Some things may be under one of the settings tabs as well.