Originally Posted by salreus
Also about voice with street names. I was poking around a lot last night and found that garmin uses 2 different voice files. Standard voices (english) and TTS (text to speach) voices like Jack and Jill. The only was we are ever going to get street names to work is if we can use a TTS voice instead of the standard voices which is just a bunch of wav files saying "left" "right" "straight"... So the problem is what I was thinking. It has nothing to do the mapset we are using. It has to do with the software running the GPS and it's ability to read the TTS voices. I have all the voices on my zumo and I transfered jill TTS to the voice folder on the mogul but when I check audible in the zumo it is not an option.
i tried this too, as well as pulling the vehicle file from my nuvi and putting it in the xt folder on the mogul. could not get them to work either.