background first.
called ntelos told them i had my own 6700 that was on sprint (is branded sprint) and want to get their service w/ data , Of course they say we can get the phoen working but can not do data since its not "their" phone and wanted to sell me a new one from them. I told them I know ntelos is leasing their lines from sprint so the programming etc would not be that off.
got to a level 2 tech at ntelos to get the username and password. which for those that want to know the username is your password is ntelos
I got the phone switched to ntelos all phone functions.
i went thru the programming my self and got the data working
i get 1X only for data.
does anyone know what settings there is for ntelos?
yes i have the msl
yes i know my way around it
when i go to places that ttell you the ip your using im getting the ntelos ip so i know im not roaming on other networks
and this post is going thru the phone/data
infact can someone post up the setting for sprints mip settings and anythign dealign with data so i can try them out.