Originally Posted by SpeedDemon
I agree on two points with you.
Quality of the screen and the multi-touch really are cool. I would like to see this in my next PPC as well.
Safari is not for me personally. But there might be people that really want it.
I don't see a use for a hard drive for myself but a lot of users might like this for their MP3's. I hardly use my PPC for MP3's.
But all in all I think it is still too expensive for what you get.
For my entertainmet purpose, I use my 80G ipod for music, audio books and movies. I use my Sony PSP for movies and games.
Like most of my toys, thats what the iPhone would be; another toy. I have no immediate need for one - it falls into the "want" factor.
I dont quite get how there can be so many naysayers for a device thats not even in production yet!
I LOL at various comments I've read here and other forums. For the ones that have so much negative to say, have you used one yet? I didnt think so.