Re: Weird text message!!!
Add this to the list of ODD..
I am getting the same lines of jibberish from 9114 but heres the odd thing.
I used a Mogul for a week about a month or two ago. The day i switched to it, i got a text message from 9114, and a few times after that, i switched back to my Treo and then 3 weeks ago i went to the Mogul again. Not 24 hrs after the ESN swap i started getting the text message.
Both times were factory installed ROMS with no additional apps. The first time i hadnt had time to install any apps. This time i did get the message again before any apps were installed. But this time its been 3 weeks still using the Mogul and i am getting the messages more frequently.
Guess i am somewhat relieved to see other people are getting this. But it has to be either Mogul or WM related. I never got them on my Treo 700p or 755p.