Originally Posted by colonel
I think it is just a stock ExtRom. What is the junk that needs to be pulled out?
There are a lot less files in the Verizon extended rom compared to the Sprint one and not as much information in these and the pdaphonehome forums on what each file does. So I didn't remve much. Here is my config.txt which shows what I still have:
CAB: \Extended_ROM\VZWProvision_Signed.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Apache_VZW_MMS3.0.6.24_20060124.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\getMMSCtxMenuInfo.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Customize_105201.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Enable_RingTone.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Region.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Link.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PP_AreaCode_Apache_203700.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PT_HideModeOfOperation_Apache_203200 .sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PT_WiFiAndRadio_Apache_203200.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PP_Version_Apache_207200.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PP_Nolog_Apache_203200.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PT_BT_Apache_205200.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PP_AddRingTone_Apache_205200.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PP_MSFP_Apache_205200.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PT_PhoneSettingHelpFile_Apache_20520 0.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PP_DataRetry_Apache_205200.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PP_SMSACK_Apache_205200.sa.CAB
RST: Reset
Any ideas on what else can be removed and I'll give it a try. At this point I have only removed things I was fairly certain I didn't need.