The app waits for a FindWindow( L"Jbed_NativeUI",L"Java"), then sends the keys for the Address window and waits for FindWindow( L"Jbed_NativeUI",L"Enter Address") before doing a WM_SETTEXT. Theres a couple of other checks in there for if the app is resuming or exiting. With 4.1 you can enter text directly, so I need to add an option for that too. Right now you have to change that option in OM settings for it to work with 4.1
Originally Posted by badbob001
I have been modifying my mortscript to eliminate the previously used artificial delays and to try to detect when opera is started and when the address input window is ready. I did this by checking the color of the corner pixel. I'm very curious how your application functions without reliance on delays. My script is here: Thanks.