Originally Posted by Todesengel
Can we get a list of what does not work? This thread is 409pages long and thats a lot of reading... but I think i saw somewhere that the beam does not work with 5060 is that correct?
Negativo Amigo..... click the 'Tiermann is a Genius' thread in my sig, for BEAM NIRVANA.
Originally Posted by beantownyo
Thanks so much, trick worked like a charm. I should have searched the forum first. Now I have been searching the forum for my next questions, but cant find answers for it. One is, does no2chem's 5060 build automatically adjust settings so I can tether for free? Second, does anyone's soft buttom beneath the "ok" button get an error message when pressed?
Click the last thread in my sig, for the all your Tethering needs.
as far as the OK button goes, did you have any custom button's mapped ? just try re-mapping OK, to mean 'OK'.......