To start: thanks to everyone here at ppcgeeks and also xda-developers for making these great applications and themes. If you don't have Total Commander or another Explorer I recommend getting it. I will attach the one I use in post #2.
Here is a quick tutorial for Ultimate Launch since it is the main application that drives everything else on my phone and it can be a little complicated. Most importantly make sure that Ultimate Launch is the only app that is checked as a today screen plugin. After you install the cab file open Ultimate Launch from your programs folder and your ULConfig will pop up. Sorry for the lack of screenshots. I am at work. For ease of use Download & Install the programs below first.
The first tab is "Tabs" and is pretty self-explanatory. I use the cube animation so I have four tabs. The first side of the cube has HTC Home by itself. To do this, hit New --> Today-Plugin --> and check HTC Home. Now you will be in the "Today Plugin" Tab. Check the box for "Activate plugin on startup and make sure you DONT check Save memory. Then go to the next tab in your config labeled "Tab" and check the box for Open tab on startup. Since this is the first side of the cube it will be the only one that this will be checked for. The last tab is labeled "Gestures" You can assign applications to upswipe or downswipe if you wish. NOW hit OK at the bottom of your screen.
The second side of the cube has pocketage with Torx's iPhone Icons - found here:
I use pocketage due to it being very light, stable and user friendly. I am sure there will be many questions how to use this so I will likely start a new Pocketage thread.
PocketAGE Tutorial Thread:
AGAIN, go to the first page of ULConfig "tabs" and hit New --> Today Plugin --> and chose Pocketage. Check the box for Activate plugin on startup. DO NOT check save memory OR open tab on startup.
The third side of the cube is a combination of WeatherPanel with Phat Phingers III theme and Today Agenda. I will just link to the Install intructions for WP:
AGAIN, go to the first page of ULConfig "tabs" and hit New -->
Combination of Tabs --> New --> Today Plugin --> WeatherPanel Check the box for Activate plugin on startup. DO NOT check save memory OR open tab on startup. Hit ok. Then again hit New --> Today Plugin --> Today Agenda. DO NOT check save memory OR open tab on startup. Hit ok. Hit OK again.
The fourth side of my cube is still under construction, so hopefully you get the idea on adding more tabs.
NEXT ULConfig tab is "Display" This setup is for invisible tab headers and full screen cube animation. Change Margin (left/right) to 0 (zero) & change Margin (top/bottom) to zero. Check the box for fixed plugin height and change the value to 267 pixels. It might be different for your phone so just play with it til you get it right.
NEXT ULConfig tab is Animation. here you choose whatever you like. I have Cube for slide animation and black for Cube background color. You shouldnt need anything else unless you chose to use visible headers. BUY THIS APP!
Before you hit okay, you might want to double check your Settings --> Today --> Items to make sure Ultimate Launch is the only plugin with a check. This might save you from a hard reset.