Thread: gps?
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Old 04-08-2008, 12:37 AM
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Re: gps?

I can confirm that (despite the totally dumb domain name) is really nice to work with. I bought a GlobalTop G33 and the damn thing works great. Totally blows my friend's Moto Q9's internal GPS out of the water. I get (often) 10-12 satellites while he gets 4 or 5. I even get 10 sitting at my kitchen table. Works great with a 700wx and anything else with basic bluetooth. Not very expensive, easily pocketable and has a HUGE battery life. (I go through two or three treo batteries in the time it takes the GPS to give out). It was just under $50 with free shipping and it made it in three days. was really smooth to work with and I have had some online nightmares.
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