Originally Posted by schettj
Ok, I'm really stumped now. Did the \Program Files\IOTA directory (and files) get created? I verified that the provxml file is ok (at least it's correct XML) but I am wondering if somehow some permissions are not there, so it cannot even load everything it needs.
I still don't know if the guy who's having success with it is running 3.3 or 3.5, If he's running 3.3, then that could be a difference, as I note 3.5 does not have helmi's provxml (ie, your version) and I am pretty sure helmi did some stuff in there cert/permissions wise.
Little delayed response on your unicodesprint OEM, but i got to looking at this more closely. I do have the IOTA directory and associated files created, but helmi's addon with it's provxml is still included in the 3.5 kitchen i posted. Not sure if this could be part of the issue or not, but only the first cert is recognized by my PC when i double click it.