Originally Posted by mindfrost82
Which ROM did you notice better reception with? Which ROM are you using now?
I haven't noticed much of a difference in any 6.1 ROM I've tried, but then again I have good reception all around me.
The ROMs don't include radio upgrades, but some of them might have different reg edits.
I know with my 700wx, if I turned off the "receive incoming beams" settings I seemed to get better reception by a couple of dB's.
It was ghettofreeryder's "Generic_Vista_613a", I went from 1-2 bars in my room to 3-4.. 3 bars is a very rare thing in my room and I dont think Ive ever saw 4 bars in here..lol
I flashed to another rom to see if it showed its usual 1-2 bars and it did. Im probably going to try out ghettofreeryder's again this week. Let me know if you've tried it or decide to try it, I'd like to know if someone else notices this.