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Old 07-28-2006, 12:02 AM
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stopped by my local sprint store tonight after dinner to see if i could get my phone switched out with an older one or a re-furb. the rep said that they are getting people in there ALL the time complaining about this same problem, said that his manager has been hounding his bosses to get some info on when and IF this is going to be fixed. he also told me that he had 3 different customers try locklineing their phone to get an older one and that all three got the new versions and had no luck trying the work around. i really hope there is a coder out there reading this site right now who can help us poor souls who discovered the "genious" phone too late .. i love this phone and my only complaints so far is this and the fact that my battery doesnt last at all. i turned my phone on when i got to work, worked 5 hours, sent 6 texts, made 4 calls, recieved 2 calls( none lasting more than 5 min) and when i got off work my battery was at 40%. had to charge it before i went out after work to do my errands. anyone else having battery issues like this? i can put up with it if its normal for this phone, but of course if its not then i would love to replace my batter
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