Originally Posted by Jeff Kirvin
But the history as paynej lays it out is mostly correct. I used to be respected around here, I sinned against the ROM gods and I've been paying for it ever since.
Like I said, history around here is written by the mods... Anyone can use the search function for "kirvin" here on PPCGEEKS and can read for themselves what happened. That is if it hasn't been erased. And if that is the case; they'll clearly know by the inability to even find either side of the story.
I was there when it happened (lurking like I do now); and I was one of the people who were criticized when I spoke up on your behalf (and there were quite a few of us).
The kitchen you released has the exact same look and feel of *EVERY KITCHEN* ever released before or after - until GG did his magnificent new BuildOS. Yet your particular varient was the only one that was ever singled out and attacked for "not asking permission".
In the "real" world (you know - the one were you collect a paycheck); your position in your field is defined by your experience. So statements like "I've been in IT for 17 years" are not only fundamentally neccessary; but respected as well. Here (in "over the rainbow" land), they are met with disregard and slanderous statements saying you are a "$40 a hour tech being p***** off as a $120 an hour tech". In the real world; such a statement in the public workplace can (and should) get you fired. Hell, there are even some legal liabilities in making such unqualified statements (he doesn't know you or your work - so what qualifies him to pass judgement on your professional performance?) Here, you make such statements and your "rep" amongst the locals gets boosted.