Originally Posted by Bookman375
Well, as much as I'd like to tackle this, I'd hate to brick this phone. And I'm going to be in GR from Tuesday through Friday of the coming week. Hmmm...
try these steps then (XP steps I use)
#1 sync your phone to your pc via active sync
#2 run olipro 2.40 (it can be found in the sticky olipro 2.40)
#3 if your screen becomes red blue and yellow, it is a good sign. FOllow the instructions on the dos prompt, and it will lead you to Rom Upgrade Utility (RUU) to install Hard SPL. Go through with this install. Once this is done, it will lead you back to the black dos olipro program
#4 Now in the taskbar, there is the active sync. Maximize, click file in active sync settings and uncheck USB connections.
#5 Go back to the dos prompt (olipro) and press any key. Then your device will soft reset.
Next install Spring ROM 3.35
#6 it is crucial that once installation of this rom completes, you will be taken to windows tap the device to start. At this point, DO NOT TAP
if you used any kitchen (DCD, nuekitchen, ppckitchen) and you are on the step of the RUU beginning, you can flash that rom at this point. It will be really fast (much faster than the sprint rom install)
#7 now once the rom is done, I use ppckitchen. I remove my battery for 30 seconds, insert it, and then hard reset.
#8 once your screen is aligned and you are taken to the main screen, soft reset because sprint customizations usually run for me. So I soft reset.
And that is all!