Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs
have you checked out our software forum? you can some if not all in there...
Yep, I have been looking all over the place, XDA, here, and some other sites, here is what I have so far:
I got Home Customizer 1 with the newest HTC Home 2.1
HTC Album
HTC Touch Default skin
HTC Touch UI Comm manger
HTC Touch Dialer (its made for the Wizard though, so it might be different) Also got something called big button dialer which is supposedly better.
HTC End key (to switch to vibrate by holding the end key - Although this one apparently makes the wrong key the end key, so I also download Schaps AdvancedConfig to customize it. As per someones recommendation on XDA.
If anyone has a fully working version of HTC End key, I would be happy.
I am slowly getting all the Touch software for the Mogul. I still need a good working version of TouchFlo Cube and I am sure I missed other stuff like HTC Camera 5.07, which has a much nicer GUI than the Mogul's.