Originally Posted by lawman08
yeh HTC home is a waste for a clock and a few icons.
use something like phone alarm/spb phonsuite combined with a tab program like pocketplus or such and get the same functionality in 2 small lines rather than half the screen as a clock.
This is a fairly accurate or true statement for me, as I rely on my home screen for much more than many.
However, for a few folks who, 90% of the time, use their Touch as a Phone and maybe a media player, HTC Home is probably quite good for them them.
Another consideration is that Phone Alarm and PocketPlus are both commercial software that you will need to pay for in order to register / get full benefit / remove nag-alerts. HTC Home comes with the phone, so it doesn't cost you anything extra.
What I find really interesting, is that as memory strapped as the Mogul is, folks are using HTC Home on that device; perhaps at the expense of being able to comfortably run other applications.
To each his own!