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Old 02-07-2007, 11:04 PM
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I feel like we're so close to getting this, but i just can't quite get there. I tried looking over all the memory addresses and i can't find the conflicts. I know that ms2_usbfn.dll can exist in the rom without it causing issues and the associated usbfn registry entry is fine except for the MemBase 40600000. Once that line is put in the phone becomes completely unstable. However this entry has made it start to be recognized by activesync for me. It never get it synced though cuz it always locks up.
This makes me think that the membase address is causing the conflict.

Also as i think i mentioned earlier i tried replacing the ms2_usbfn.dll driver and reg entries with one for usbfndrv.dll from another rom package also without success. The main difference there being the IOBase was AE60000. I also tried AE600000 for the membase with ms2_usbfn, and it didn't lock up, but it still did not work.

The only other entry i see with a IO/membase near these is AE60000 is the QCT1.DLL driver which i tried before(edited it to point to the QCT.DLL). the USB is detected when that driver is used, but that is for diagnostic mode. Then i tried taking out that package completely incase that was the conflict, but that didn't have any effect either.

For me the usbswitch mode hasn't worked either. I guess some of this info might have been said before, but hopefully this will consolidate the info and what has been tried a little. If anyone else has suggestions or tried other ideas i'm interested to know what the results were. I guess one option is to hope helmi can find time to patch the ms2_usbfn.dll, but it would be great if we can figure this out so we can give back to him as well
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