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Old 04-04-2008, 03:48 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19209 (Build 19209.1.0.2) aka 5060

Originally Posted by Jeff Kirvin View Post
So then the answer is 160MB. Thank you, that really wasn't so hard, was it?
No, it's not. It's something less than that. You'll get an error when you get to big. The actual max is calculated and
For the record, I'm here because I love the Mogul, it's the best mobile computer I've ever had. Contrary to popular belief, I like the kitchen project. I have some issues with it, but I have some issues with Word 2007, too, and I love that program. No software is perfect. I'm not at all opposed to what the ROM team produces.

What I am opposed to is the ROM team's holier-than-thou, superior, arrogant attitude.

Let me explain where I'm coming from. I've spent 18 years in IT, doing just about every job in the field. I've been a developer. I've also been tech support, and prefer that to development. I like to help people. And looking at this from a support perspective, members of the ROM team seem actively hostile to users who don't meet their geek cred standards. They are programmers making a program for programmers, not for regular people, and they come across as thinking they're too good to explain how the kitchen works, why certain features are not negotiable or really anything at all about the project.

Basically, the ROM team acts like the "Soup Nazi" on Seinfeld. Take what they give you the way they give it to you, ask no questions, just bow and grovel at their feet and be grateful you get anything at all. Sorry, but that's a horrible attitude for a developer to have, even one making freeware. I understand the donations they freely accept (thus making this a commercial product, with reasonable expectations of professional support) probably only cover hosting costs and maybe a beer once in a while. But I think we'd all be better off if they dropped the attitude and treated everyone with dignity and respect. Saying "if you don't like the login requirement, feel free to leave it blank" knowing full well that means that the kitchen won't work at all, is arrogant and petty. This "leave it us, you couldn't possibly know what you're doing" attitude goes from annoying to comical when they "officially" release the 5060 kitchen with typos and bugs after browbeating everyone for a week who dared to use the "unsupported" basekit.

I appreciate the kitchen. I use it. I hope it will support the US version of the Touch Dual soon after that device is released. But the kitchen team are not gods, and I will not treat them as such. They're developers, regular people. They're no better than the rest of us, and it ticks me off to see them treat people so badly and expect unquestioning devotion in return.
There's a big difference between donations and commercial. If you're having trouble distinguishing the two, I'm sure arrangements can be made.

The 5060 comment was leave it alone IF you don't know what you're doing. Still seems like a fair comment to me. In the case of the OP, the statement was directed at an individual who DIDN'T know what they were doing.

You're a little confused about who owes who what. As I've said before, you don't have a right to jack. No one asked for devotion, and no one cares if anyone uses this software. You have received attitude on exactly one (1) point, because it has been stated time and time again it will not be done, yet you insist on bringing it up time and time again. The decision will not be explained any further than it has. Don't confuse our willingness to answer questions as an obligation to.

The login requirement quip was in response to conspiracy thoughts about password theft. As was said before, if you you're concerned about it, don't use it. Similarly, feel free to not use it if you can't be bothered with the login screen.

As to the 5060 kitchen release, no one brow beat anyone. All I said was the basekit has issues and keep the questions out of this thread and in no2chems. You have unreasonable expectations if you expect there to be no errors in any release. Are you sure you ever worked/used/touched anything computer related?

We aren't god's, but this project lives, breathes, and dies by our interest. As such, most people recognize that a polite and grateful attitude is appropriate. Unless you want the project to end, of course.
Grammar: The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.
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