Re: Apache WM6.1 Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19716 (Build 19716.1.0.0) - UPDATED 20080308
Originally Posted by charleskincade
I don't if this has been addressed yet but I've posted questions in this thread and they've never been answered. My problem is that during phone calls my battery drains rapidly and so after a 30 min. phone call my battery is dead. I've done all of the registry tweaks and did the tweaks with the advanced congfiguration. Battery lasts longer without usage as a result but during phone conversation I still get enormous battery consumption. I have spb mobile shell 2.0 running along with weatherpanel on my today screen. Without either of the two running or even removed from my phone, I STILL have the serious battery drainage. I've asked for assistance my times and have had no response. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS. CAN SOMEONE EITHER PM ME OR RESPOND HERE ON THIS THREAD. I'M WILLING TO EVEN SEND A DONATION THROUGH PAYPAL IF SOMEONE CAN HELP AND I GET GOOD RESULTS! Thanks in advance
That you phone dies rapidly when you use it to talk indicates you likely need a new battery. How old is your battery?
Grammar: The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.