Originally Posted by boggsie
Thanks so much. I haven't had a chance to look at what you put up on the ftp, regarding a base kit, but I'll be certain to follow-up with results.
My experience with PPCKitchen has left me very spoiled and perhaps, using terms relative to PPCKitchen that apply a little bit differently to other kitchens.
I had, over the course of this week (as you suggested) used PrepIt.bat to decompose a *.NBH file into a base kit, but the resulting base kit is not the same as what I have experienced with a base kit for PPCKitchen. When a base kit for PPCKitchen is produced, the chef will also publish a selections.txt to be used. This selections.txt helps in determining what is already included in the original base kit (.Net 3.5, for example).
When I use PrepIt.bat, there is no selections.txt and BuildOS.exe does not populate with the items that are in the base kit, so that I can un-check (removing) items from the base kit.
Thanks for listening and for your help.
Best regards,
concerning the selections.txt that usually accompany the sort of kitchens you are used to, im afraid you will have to do without that sort of thing here sorry to say.
what you can do, however, is go into the SYS folder, but i would recommend checking the OEM folder first. there you will find all of the folders for things you would like to include/remove from your rom. if you find something you dont like (such as transcriber, windows live, interenet sharing, remote desktop, htc album, etc...) just delete the corresponding folders. if there is something you would like included in the rom, find (or make) an oem folder for it, and drop it in the oem (or sys) folder of your kitchen. buildos only scans the oem folder for things to include/not include. everything in the sys folder is included, and only things you tell buildos to include from the oem folder will be included (excepting things that dont have an option.xml (such as standard things like operator_pkg and such)).
hope that cleared up a lot for you! feel free to ask any other questions you might have.
also, (sorry) i forgot to upload the basekit to my ftp yesterday after i posted that message, and didnt remember until much later. i am uploading it now anyway.
good luck.