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Old 04-03-2008, 02:44 PM
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Re: How-to: Cube Edits/mods/creation

For the iCube I used Gimp and skewed each frame individually. I took the static image of each side, skewed it to a certain degree, then pasted the next slides side, also skewed, into the image. It was a long, tedious process and was imperfect in its implementation.

For MacFlo I used Macromedia Flash 5 to create the animations, and it was much easier, especially since there were so many elements moving at the same time. Flash has an option to export each frame as a bmp, so as soon as I had the animation correct I had all the frames perfectly placed and spaced.

I hope this is what you were asking. I know that Polen used Photoshop to achieve the rotation effect, and even shared his process files. I think they are on the first Vista Cube thread.
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WP7 Launcher, SoundPlug, MusicFlo, MacFlo, The iCube

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