Originally Posted by dew.man
I was asking why AS would be bad on the battery, but if you want to go there:
Sure I can! With my Exchange server, I have yet to not receive an email nearly simultaneously on my phone as in my pc inbox. With FM, I constantly lost connectivity, and on several occasions, FM completely destroyed my entire inbox/account on the server!
Nothing. It's part of Exchange 2k3 SP2 that I'm running on one of my servers.
Heh well if you have your own exchange server, I am sure that that AS push would be close to instantaneous. I tried several (3+) of the major commercial Exchange servers and they sucked for speed and were very unreliable. (and very costly)
Originally Posted by dew.man
My today screen shows how many new messages are waiting. I can safely close all applications with any of the task managers without worrying about my email connection being lost. When I change a contact phone number or create an appointment on my phone, they are reflected on any/every computer that I use. Can FM do any of those?
Oh, and PO has never killed an account deleting years worth of messages!
Heh my today shows the same with the FM plugin that is available on the beta right now. I do concur that syncing contacts/calendar with multiple devices is the killer reason to use exchange server. In fact if I had my own exchange server, I would definitely be using it instead of imap idle.
As far as PO, no it hasnt killed an account with years worth of messages, but on my 700WX, the database got corrupt somehow, and it decided to send my private emails to my boss because I had sent him an SMS earlier in the day. Hahaha looking back on that that was funny..Locked his phone completely up... I think that was the final straw that led me to look for other solutions.
Originally Posted by dew.man
The one thing that FM does have over PO is it's folder handling.
Well like I said earlier, I would forego this convenience if I had a private exchange server
Originally Posted by dew.man
In my experience, FM showed the absolute worst battery drain. Ironically enough, last time I tried FM (about a month or two ago), it ran my battery down about twice as fast as when I had the same three accounts doing scheduled send/receive every 15 minutes!
Once again, YMMV.
Ugg that is not very impressive..well my experience hasnt been that bad. Another good feature that you somewhat touched on (in an opposite way) is that its alot of easier with FM to kill it. This is really handy when you want to get some work done and not be constantly barraged with emails.