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Old 04-03-2008, 12:16 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Originally Posted by jmw86069 View Post
jeffhaton and ViPaDawG, I've seen a similar low-memory issue myself, though I admit to the Kitchen chefs that I hadn't (yet) tried to figure out the key app. There is another thread on the topic of leaking memory where people thought it was the radio, I'll post a link when I come across it again.

My observations are these:
I tried NexVision's ROM Nex_3.35_no2_SPCS_SPB_FIXED2.exe (Sprint) and it was beautiful, but had the memory issues you mentioned. It routinely would get down to 4-5k even after running Oxios Memory. The problem for me, because I don't care what the number is as long as I can use things I want, how I want, is that PIE would often close randomly (out of memory?) or when I switched to another app. I hated having to start over in PIE, very cumbersome. But man, I love that interface!

I then tried RdZLyZs rom (dizzle2.0sprint_tsms) and although it's not as beautiful (sorry RdZ) I've come to appreciate that it's not a bad one. It's got 15-16k free almost all the time, PIE doesn't close (nor does almost anything else) even when switching back and forth between several other apps. It's very stable. I run Oxios, and it'll free up at most 1.5k but more often 0.3k. Oh, and I run HTC Home plug-in, which suggests it isn't a unique cause of memory issues.

I also suspect the radio isn't the issue, since it didn't change.

Damn, I just realized Nex was based on No2Chem while RdZ was based on DCD... sorry about missing that. I don't know if that's the cause, but it's maybe a clue. I suspect there's something else involved since not everyone has issues with these ROMs, and the No2Chem and DCD routes have long-time credibility.

I'm hoping that somehow this cryptic information helps the Nex ROM and/or the No2Chem ROM identify a core cause, so I can switch back to the "liquid joy" that is the Nex interface! (ha ha) I'm hoping to test a bunch of stuff to help if I can, but I can't get the kitchen to work yet.
hmm....first of all, I haven't ran out of memory, and I've had the device since 6/18/2007, so I cannot say what's going on in that sense. However, with a rom based on 5060, I boot with about 19.5ish MB free, and even with using a bunch of apps, and then seeing how much free RAM is left, it's still a good 17-18. I am not sure which apps you are running, and if you are closing your programs (make sure Tap X to close is enabled in X-Button and not Tap + Hold). I usually am on the phone, texting, and then have possibly PIE running (before rudely being interrupted by a call), and even then I haven't had any memory issues. It's definitely a YMMV thing when you have memory issues, and it's largely based on what you are doing, so in that regard, you can't really say you have "memory issues" unless you aren't using any other apps.
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