Originally Posted by blkout
ok so i'm having trouble here, and yes I've searched and from what I've found I think done everything thats been posted...these are the steps of done and whats happened
Starting with Stock Sprint Rom 3.35
Ran Oilpro 2.40 unlocker - this worked during this processes it states to disconnect and reconnect the 6800. I do this and from then on I have no connection with my computer. I tried restarted my compueter *saw in post* I tried hard resets *saw in diff post* tried a file for exiting bootloader *post* Tried going ahead and flashing over to both DCD one time and nochem another time...Would not work because it said it couldnt find the connection. Also I have BuildOS i've installed from PPCGeeks.com but yet tells me login invalid. *sighs* I've been at this for over acouple hours installed the linked C++ , netframework,and so on......Still everything seems not to work....But yet when I goto the HTC website and download the official rom it all the sudden sees the phone and installs with the official rom......PLEASE HELP!?!?!?!?
Are you using Vista? I had a problem with my Vista not seeing the phone when I went to flash. I followed the steps in this post:
From then on it's worked fine. Not sure if that will help you but figured I'd try.