You can read about Opera Mini and jbed here:
and download jbed here:
Jbed should fix all your crashing issues for you guys. It did for me and everyone else I've read about hasn't had issues with Opera Mini since.
Opera Mini 4.1 beta that is out is pretty nice. Not so great if you have a phone with no physical keypad since the direct input in the web address bar doesn't work. Instead though you just use the old style web address input. Other than that you can save web pages, download files directly through Opera Mini, and some other cool stuff. It's over at
As for mobile browsers I don't have a Mogul, but I would rank currently Opera Mini 4(or 4.1) as #1 for easiest to use and browse, (Skyfire would probably go in here or after Opera Mobile but I haven't gotten my invite so only speculation from what I've read), Then Opera Mobile 9.405 *leak*, then Netfront 3.5, then PIE at a distant last (because honestly PIE is awful).