Re: White Spots
I am doing somthing about it, hence my sig, sprint has given me $50 to travel to a corporate store to get a replacement. I only said all that because I was told that it wasent a big deal and that I shoudeltn worry about it. I started joining in this disscussion because sprint, HTC, and UTStarcom were giving me the run around and not wanting to honor their waranty. I wanted feedback from those that have had a replacement. and how they went about getting it.
Yes i know the car analogy was bad but isent that what we do in this world relate everything to buying a car? At least with cars I know its easier to swap out a part when its bad, but with a phone its alot more sensitive.
I know people dont think its a big deal but the fact remains, that "cosmetic flaw" shouldent even exist, especially in all the phones. For what HTC has done to cut corners on this thing its actually a horrable product. But I wont switch phones because sprint dosent offer anything comparable.