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Old 04-02-2008, 06:47 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

put your phone in bootloader mode and see if the Olipro 2.40 actually worked or not. if so, plug into USB and see if it shows USB on the bottom or you hear the sound normally associated with hooking it up to ActiveSync. if it does say USB, then you do have a connection and should be able to flash. also might check to see if USB is disabled in ActiveSync.

Originally Posted by blkout View Post
ok so i'm having trouble here, and yes I've searched and from what I've found I think done everything thats been posted...these are the steps of done and whats happened

Starting with Stock Sprint Rom 3.35
Ran Oilpro 2.40 unlocker - this worked during this processes it states to disconnect and reconnect the 6800. I do this and from then on I have no connection with my computer. I tried restarted my compueter *saw in post* I tried hard resets *saw in diff post* tried a file for exiting bootloader *post* Tried going ahead and flashing over to both DCD one time and nochem another time...Would not work because it said it couldnt find the connection. Also I have BuildOS i've installed from but yet tells me login invalid. *sighs* I've been at this for over acouple hours installed the linked C++ , netframework,and so on......Still everything seems not to work....But yet when I goto the HTC website and download the official rom it all the sudden sees the phone and installs with the official rom......PLEASE HELP!?!?!?!?
Evo 4G Powered by Dev-Host roms
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