Originally Posted by debitodd
i sure hope i dont jinx myself here i have had 2 moguls first one when they first came out then my second one i got in february i believe (gave my son the first one) and neither one has got the white spots thank goodness
I got mine back in November or December and i first noticed the spots about a month or 2 ago.. so.. give it a few months. Nearly every customer who has brought one in to my store has had the spots.. it sucks, yes.. if it sucks a lot, then email HTC everyday until they do a recall or replace the phone. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. You can't just whine once on a message board and expect to get a new phone for free... you've gotta talk to the people who made it this way. If everyone really complained to HTC like they're doing in this thread, i think they'd do a recall. I havn't complained cause the spot isn't that big, and it's not that bad, but when i get to the whining stage, i'll email HTC.. over and over and over and over.. lol