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Old 04-02-2008, 01:27 PM
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Re: 6.1 sms only sends/receives during phone calls?

hmmm, I have not noticed this, did you hard reset after you flashed??? If not maybee give it a try, also, did you change anything in your phone settings like force or always evdo, this I have heard will disrupt texting, but the phone cannote operate evdo and phone at the same time as evdo uses two phone lines, that is why the phone drops to 1x when a call is in session. I am pretty sure this can be checked or changed from the ##778 send menu, if your rom does not support #codes, you may have to flash a different rom to check the settings there. on a side note, I heard that forcing evdo will also kill phone call capability, so this may not be the problem. check it out to be sure though, and write back if problems persist

what roms have you tried? I use ghettofreeryders.