You can also use wm5newmenu cab which you can configure to either left or right softkey. It is in the downloads, and if you cant find it, let me know and i will upload the cab.
As a sprint tech can you help us with this question. I think you should have the answer or access to the answer.
Naigaboy, can you get a hold of someone with a regular sprint phone that has the powervision package? These phones uses the OZ messenger app just like Tmobile's. The blackberries uses the regular yahoo messenger. In the registry for this program, I see an entry for a url, if we can get the url that these sprint phone's use, i think it will work. Right now it is using tmobile's url. There's also an entry for a phone number, but in the registry it is listed as 1231231234.
Any help will be appreciated. thank you.