Titan Upgrades
I just got an email from a good friend who works at HTC. He told me there is a planned hardware upgrade coming out soon. All current owners of HTC Titan will receive the new phone through their service provider at no cost to them. This new device features a better screen, 256MB of ram, fully accelerated video drivers, MMS capabilities and SprintTV on Sprint, and there was talk about implementing WiMax too (but that would be a Sprint-only feature) and better battery life.
Supposedly it is going to ship with WM 6.1, and be WM 7 upgradable.
This information has not been released to many people yet, so calling Sprint/Verizon/HTC/Alltel/etc won't get you any info. They are aiming for early July to be shipping these new devices, which knowing them means we probably won't see it until October or something.
I can't wait to hear more info on this!