Not so much. Its actually worse in that now if I access the connection settings in any way, the ppc locks up complety.
However for the first time on 3.5 I know see that if I plug in the USB cable the XP-laptop actually tries to get an ip address for an active sync connection.
However at that time it ALSO locks up the PPC, so no address is given out.
So. This is the right area. We were having significant problems w/ the Bluetooth screens not working right, and having very long delays and then unsuccessful attempts to enable / disable.
However from a practical point of view, its not so good. snicker. You think maybe the registry entries need adjusting?
By the way I used a build straight from IMCokeman here, no mods whatsoever from what he has on our ftp site. just a build, hard reset. hard reset again for "good measure", install cab. Soft reset (forced by the cab install).
then attempt usb, or bluenet adjustments. Either of which fail.
By the way another "interesting" side effect is that whereas the wireless today plugin was showing "sprintpcs" before installing the cab, after the cab, it only shows "Home Service". Seems that maybe some function call is returning "wierd" to the pluggin