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Old 03-31-2008, 11:50 AM
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Re: 3.35 Battery Killer. More like slaughterer.

i talked to n2c about those settings in 5060, and he said in 6.1 beams do not affect it as much, but I turned them off anyway, so we will see what happens.

Reflashing doesn't help. I've done it about 9 times. Since you aren't exactly putting a new item, it's just a fresh copy of the same thing. as for PRL, I am on 60610, but again, I live in a 1X only area, and my signal is always 5-6 bars, so it's not as if it's grasping for life, so I doubt it is, since I had 60610 on my previous versions, and my battery life was fine.
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