You guys (MattOktaNZ & strommsarnac) are off topic. The topic is how to map a network drive to a folder on your phone.
With respect, everyone knows that you can access your phone's folders via your computer. Some people (I'm not saying you guys) need the ability to maintain a permanent link to a folder even when it is disconnected, and some applications will not store the path to a folder on your phone because it is "funky". What you are describing requires user intervention every single time you reconnect (One of you right-clicks, and uses a link in the context sensitive menu, and the other goes into "My Computer/Computer" and double-clicks on the phone).
Microsoft as usual has provided functionality that does address the needs of "most" (you) people however there are people (me) who need to map a drive letter for various reasons.
For those people using a program like Mocha FTP combined with Web Drive provides a solution. In my case once I placed an FTP server on my phone, the need for "Web Drive" disappeared as the application that I was trying to work with supported FTP in addition to drive letters.
Mocha also has Telnet and VNC programs although I haven't tried them in case anyone has the need (
Thanks for taking the time to try to help anyways guys.