Originally Posted by dc
Since I wasn't able to get a response here and I had no luck in the chat room, I started experimenting. What surprises me is that others aren't having this same problem when trying to get email attachments to their storage card.
Anyway, use a registry editor like PHM RegEdit and go to: HKLM\System\StorageManager\Profiles\EXT_FLASHDRV
To hide the extended ROM: "MountHidden"=dword:00000001 (Value Data = 1)
To once again unhide the extended ROM: "MountHidden"=dword:00000000 (Value Data = 0)
BTW, I loaded the nueExtROM Configuration Tool Module in my kitchen, but even that application wasn't able to hide the extended ROM for some reason.
I made two quick CABS containing the following setup.xml:
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\System\StorageManager\Profiles\EXT_FLASHDRV">
<parm name="MountHidden" value="0" datatype="integer"/>
With the MountHidden Parameter changed between them. Hope they are useful to someone...