Originally Posted by gguruusa
New kitchens will _not_ work with the prior buildos verisons. Old kitchens may work with the current buildos version, but you'll likely have warnings and duplicate module problems you'll need to address (if it loads, it should work - I haven't checked in a few weeks, but it used to load). WM6 (and WM5 for that matter) can be made available in new buildos format if there is enough demand.
Thanks for the info. now i can roll back to WM6 and run my apps safely. I would like the previous kitchen updated to work with the newer OEM & Shareware modules. I would have pulled out the duplicates myself, but the kitchen file is protected. Many OEM's were moved from the main kitchen to the OEM rar and there are tons of duplicates if I try to use them together. To get it to work, I have the OEM file from each kitchen being referenced . Since the new BuildOS intent is to be a one-stop-shop for rom building, it would be nice if the WM5/6 kitchens were brought up to speed.