Radio 3.35 upgrade question
I asked this over at XDA, and figured I would ask here too. Might help someone else also.
I have the Radio 3.35 file, and DCD's kitchen 3.0.1, and am ready to start installing. I have a radio 3.27 and a custom ROM installed already. I have tried ALL DAY yesterday to get the sprint ROM to install the radio on my phone, and never got anywhere. I must have flashed 15 times yesterday, and ended up frustrated. So, I read here that you need bootloader 1.2 to load the 3.35 radio. SO, is this the right procedure -
1. Install boot loader 1.2
2. Run the RADIO 3.35 installer
3. Install boot loader 2.40
4. Run DCD's kitchen 3.0.1 and install my ROM.
I hope this is the right thing to do, because I can't get that Sprint rom to do anything on my phone.
Thank You so much!!!