Originally Posted by robeerski
Another Qwest user here very angry at how I am being treated by Qwest. I bought this phone mainly because a salesman told me of all the things it could do. Well... I guess it could maybe do those things if it actually worked correctly. My bluetooth locks up the phone and I have to remove the battery to unlock etc., etc. The bluetooth problem is the most frustrating for me as I think bluetooth functionality is a very integral component to have working.
While I share in some of your frustration, I wanted to point out that I also have an issue with the Bluetooth locking up on occasion, however, it's just a matter of hitting the soft reset button on the bottom, not completely opening the case and removing the battery for me. It doesn't make the problem ok, but it's a little more bearable.
I also think I'm starting to understand what causes it to lock up when using the Bluetooth, hitting certain buttons at certain times. As soon as I understand the issue better.... I might post what's working. So far, I seem to be able to go days at a time without having a single lock up.