Re: Trouble with Wifi on PPC Mogul 6800
what roms are you guys using?
i have been seeing the same stuff.
i am using dcd 3.0.1 rom (from kitchen) and have noticed the wifi come on by itself for a while now. infact, almost every time after softreset.
yesterday i noticed i could not turn on wifi. the toggle didn't work and the comm app wouldn't let me do it either. weird. a softreset fixed it, but i had lots of program memory before the reset. this is new for me.
i think it all starts with the 3.35 radio. it seems that custom ROMs and stock ROMs have wifi issues now. not everyone though.
PDA's I've owned/used in order... (retentions loves me)... nextel i930, BB 7100i, PPC-6700 (apache), treo 700p, PPC-6700, treo 700wx, PPC-6800 (mogul), PPC-6900 (touch), treo 755p, PPC-6900 (touch), BB 8130 (Pearl),PPC-6800 (mogul), BB 8330 (Curve) Diamond, treo 800w, Touch Pro, BB 8330 (Curve)