Originally Posted by kgphat25
ROM is definitely fast I had it for 2 days now, seems pretty good same as the other Sprint Stock with 6.1, I see no difference in software. The bluetooth on the today screen isn't really a bigie cause it just takes you to the comm center to enable it, which you can still do by going to the touch cube.
One major issue I had and it could just be me or the new ROM but today I checked my voicemail and after I hung up, it would not let me check my email or sms messages, when I pressed the button for messaging center nothing happened, I tried going to it through the cube and nothing, I did a soft reset and that didnt fix it. so I did a hard reset and then restored a backup from 2 days ago (backup was made after flashing this ROM and installing all my apps - so around 3 hours after ROM flash). And that didn't fix it. I did another hard reset and just checked the email and it worked, restored the backup again and it doesn't work anymore. I don't think its any of the files I installed cause it was all working fine until today. Now I'm back on the JD's stock Sprint 6.1 ROM.
I had this happen to me when I went from one Custom ROM to another Custom ROM. My problem, as I finally got to work around it was that I had done a back up using the HTC Backup software with the first ROM and after Restoring onto the new ROM my email wouldnt work, my sms wouldnt work and my contacts wouldnt show up either. I couldnt even bring up the apps to see my contacts, sms or emails. After a hard reset I saw everything worked and then tried the Restore and it happened again. So I just decided to only import the PIM.vol file manually which contains my contacts and discard my backed up files and I have been fine since.