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Old 03-29-2008, 12:47 AM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Originally Posted by lilk1d777 View Post
colonel how do u go about removing everything from the extended rom? wont this affect what apps get installed / if they will work properly? would u recommend taking everything off the extended rom and then reflashing a cooked rom? when i reflash it rebuilds the extended rom also right?
The easiest way is to flash an empty ext_rom image. Not sure one survived the mass delete on the ftp site, but it's easy enough to make again. Generally, what's necessary in the ext_rom is baked into kitchen roms when you select your carrier config. This makes the ext_Rom itself redundant, hence the error.

The ext_rom is not rebuilt when you flash, and you needn't reflash the os after you clear your ext_rom...a hard reset is sufficient.
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