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Old 03-28-2008, 01:36 AM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

This is so great.. I can't believe I now like my TOUCH more than I did the first day.. wow we should start getting some ROMs with these tweaks is that possible?

1 - This tweak will reduce the amount of pressure it takes to use the cube gestures.
  • 1. Open any reg editing software (PHM Reg EDIT is nice)
  • 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings
  • 3. In HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings find DWORD fingerpressure.
  • 4. Enter into edit mode then either double or quadruple your oem setting which is 3760
  • 5. WARNING! DO NOT decrease the OEM value, because then IT WILL ACTUALLY TAKE MORE PRESSURE.
  • 6. Soft reset and enjoy reduced pressure gestures!!
GENERAL WARNING: NEVER DECREASE fingerpressure Value. Decreasing the value means applying MORE than needed pressure on your touch screen, which may render your screen damagaed.

2 - This tweak will reduce the pressure you need to apply with your fingers or while typing with stylus.
  • 1. Through the PHM registry editor(or any PPC registry editor)
  • 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\touchpanel
  • 3. Then find DWORD pressurethreshold
  • 4. Change the value of pressurethreshold. (INCREASE value ONLY!)
  • Personally I tried doubling the default value, until i have reached my desired setting.
  • Now, its like tapping soflty without having a feeling that i have screen protector. Also less stress on the stylus and screen and faster tapping.
  • Recommended Values: My Touchpanel Threshold is at 38372 and Touchflo is at 15040. Works great.
3 - Cube tweak to speed up the way in which your cube rises and falls.
  • 1. Open Reg editing software
  • 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings
  • 3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings find DWORD ...speedhigh
  • 4. Enter in to edit mode then either double or quadruple your oem setting which is 40
  • 5. Then find HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings find DWORD ...speedlow
  • 6. Enter in to edit mode then either double or quadruple your oem setting which is 65
  • WARNING! DO NOT decrease the OEM value. Else it will MAKE IT SLOWER FOR THE CUBE TO RISE and FALL.
  • 7. Soft reset then enjoy
  • Personal Settings: speedhigh at 160 and speedlow at 260
3 - Cube tweak to lower the time delay it takes for the cube to responed.
  • 1. Open Reg editing software
  • 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings
  • 3. In HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings find DWORD ...delaydiff
  • 4. Enter in to edit mode then lower that down to what ever setting is good for you, your oem setting which is 40
  • WARNING! DO NOT increase the OEM value, unless you want the cube to respond slower.
  • My Setting is 25. I think thats the lowest.