Originally Posted by colonel
What doesnt match? Aside from the three that come standard in the rom that are in that reg.
When you open the .rgu file you see:
"Ringtones"=multi_sz: "Ring-WindowsMobile .wma",
"Ring-Standard .wma",
"Ring-Vision .wma",
"Mozart Alla Turca .wma",
"OldPhone .wma",
"Ringer 1 .wma",
"Ringer 4 .wma",
"Telephone ring 2 .wma",
"Telephone ring 3 .wma",
"Die Zauberflote .wma"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Rin g]
"DefaultSound"="Ring-Standard .wma"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Rin gPreview]
"DefaultSound"="Ring-Standard .wma"
"Sound"="Ring-Standard .wma"
When you look at the audio files actually IN the "Additional Ringtones" folder you see:
Mozart Alla Turca .wma
OldPhone .wma
Ringer 1 .wma
Ringer 4 .wma
Telephone ring 2 .wma
Telephone ring 3 .wma
The folder is missing:
Ring-WindowsMobile .wma
Ring-Standard .wma
Ring-Vision .wma
Die Zauberflote .wma
So when I select the option in the kitchen for Additional Ringtones it doesn't work because obviously the files required in the registry don't exist. "Who cares?? Just fix it." you say... I tried. I edited the file and the folder with some of my ringtones - matching the same format as listed above. Still doesn't work. First time I tried it I forgot to put a space between the file and the extension on both the registry entry & the file in the folder and got an error. I fixed that and ran it again, no error. "YAY" right? BUZZER. I now only have the 3 crappy ringtones on my phone.
So how do I fix it and/or will that be a fix in the next kitchen update?