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Old 03-27-2008, 08:26 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Originally Posted by colonel View Post
What doesnt match? Aside from the three that come standard in the rom that are in that reg.
When you open the .rgu file you see:
"Ringtones"=multi_sz: "Ring-WindowsMobile .wma",
"Ring-Standard .wma",
"Ring-Vision .wma",
"Mozart Alla Turca .wma",
"OldPhone .wma",
"Ringer 1 .wma",
"Ringer 4 .wma",
"Telephone ring 2 .wma",
"Telephone ring 3 .wma",
"Die Zauberflote .wma"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Rin g]
"DefaultSound"="Ring-Standard .wma"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Rin gPreview]
"DefaultSound"="Ring-Standard .wma"
"Sound"="Ring-Standard .wma"
When you look at the audio files actually IN the "Additional Ringtones" folder you see:
Mozart Alla Turca .wma
OldPhone .wma
Ringer 1 .wma
Ringer 4 .wma
Telephone ring 2 .wma
Telephone ring 3 .wma
The folder is missing:
Ring-WindowsMobile .wma
Ring-Standard .wma
Ring-Vision .wma
Die Zauberflote .wma
So when I select the option in the kitchen for Additional Ringtones it doesn't work because obviously the files required in the registry don't exist. "Who cares?? Just fix it." you say... I tried. I edited the file and the folder with some of my ringtones - matching the same format as listed above. Still doesn't work. First time I tried it I forgot to put a space between the file and the extension on both the registry entry & the file in the folder and got an error. I fixed that and ran it again, no error. "YAY" right? BUZZER. I now only have the 3 crappy ringtones on my phone.

So how do I fix it and/or will that be a fix in the next kitchen update?
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