Originally Posted by stevenair
What is the parameter for \Windows\tmail.exe to make the email open up instead of text messages. Thanks.
Param = -service "
name of inbox" replace
name of inbox with the name of the inbox you'd like to open.
Originally Posted by PeterDLai
I'm not sure if this was already mentioned but on the Big Button version on the panel for contacts, the bottom buttons are stretched out horizontally. I'm not sure if this was done on purpose or if it's something to be fixed in the future.
I also noticed the top line artifacts back when I used the original version but never said anything.
Great program though! Thanks!
QuickDial Buttons were stretched on purpose. It was the only way for the Contacts too look like part of the line of panels. I can change it.
Darn you, Indiana Jones! I go with you one time and I now all these artifacts are popping up!
Originally Posted by junior11
On the Big Button I second that comment about the bottom buttons on the contacts screen don't look good stretched out. I wouldn't miss them if they were removed but thats my opinion. I like the program and thanks for the great work. Has anyone came up with some replacement icons besided the icon pack. Also I cannot find if you did post the space pic so I can use it for a background pic on my today screen( not the amination).
That's +1 for QuickDial reversion, I guess.
So far I haven't seen any other icons posted. Dimensions are 50x50 for MacFlo, 70x70 for MacFlo Big Button.
I have not posted the background yet.
Originally Posted by junior11
Actually I cannot even find the .cab for the extra icons, you said they were moved to the mogul forum but I don't see them.
The icon pack for MacFlo is in the first post on this thread. It's called MacFloMakerAnd IP1.zip MacFlo Big Button does not have an icon pack, I just put around 50 icons in there to start off with, and I'm probably not going to make any more icon packs for now. I'm working on iCube2 and a special project I'm calling MusicFlo which is a TouchFlo2 (manila) clone. More on that later, but I'm really excited about it!