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Old 03-27-2008, 11:40 AM
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Stock ringtone files corrputed in Touch?

I've got a strange problem here. Just now, after I backed up the system with resco backup, played around with the system txt size. I noticed that my stock ringtone, "windows mobile" has been changed to "dome" automatically. I took a look at the ringtone settings and noticed that "windows mobile" was displayed as "windows mobile.wma" along with a few other stock ringtone files with exact same symptom. When I clicked the play button, a window popped out saying the file was not available or corrputed. On the other hand, the rest of the stock ringtones which still seems normal (i.e. "dome" is good to be set as ringtone, and it shows as "dome" instead of "dome.wma")

However, when I traced back all the ringtone files to Windows folder, and use WMP to play them, every single file is good to play, not corrupted at all.

Can anyone tell me what the problem is? TIA

PS: I notices that there was a space added (and I can't delete it) after the file name for those "corrupted" tones. For example, Ring-Vison .wma compared with a normal ringtone: Ring-waterfall.wma. I use Totalcommand to access the file but cannot rename it or change the "read only" property.